2025年U19女篮世界杯主视觉发布 张子宇和王嘉欣明年7月迎接重要考验_cba直播
10-30 14:20
2025 U19 Women's Basketball World Cup Visual Identity Revealed, Zhang Ziyu and Wang Jiaxin to Face Big Test Next July
Recently, FIBA announced the main visual identity for the 2025 U19 Women's Basketball World Cup. The overall color scheme is a bold magenta, and the design of the logo features elements such as a tactical board and basketball, exuding the vibrancy and energy that youth competitions should have.
It is understood that the tournament will be held in Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic, from July 12th to 20th next year. China U19 Women's Basketball Team will participate as one of the 16 teams. This summer, they won the runner-up at the U18 Women's Basketball Asia Cup in Shenzhen, thus earning the qualification to compete in this event. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, Zhang Ziyu and Wang Jiaxin will continue to be the key players for China's U19 team next year, with Zhang serving as the interior core and Wang as the exterior core. They will face the challenge of the world's strongest peers together with their teammates.
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