09-06 18:11
LS: "Inevitable Signs of No Fear mode is definitely a point of concern for the balance team. Are you satisfied with the speed of iteration in patches? Or do you think that Inevitable Signs of No Fear mode is an unfortunate consequence?"
Riot Phroxzon: "When you talk about iteration or change, I think you’re discussing the issue of whether professional players can be innovative. I believe innovation is mostly the responsibility of strong teams, but only a few strong teams are willing to innovate or know how to innovate. Looking at the past, G2 has performed well while also being innovative. Thank you, G2! Also, thanks to those teams that are good at innovation.
But if you are a bottom-ranked team or player, would you innovate by playing mid-lane Taliyah? Even if it means relegation or never getting a chance to play professionally again? The incentive structure of the entire industry does not allow these players to innovate. So, it’s only the top-tier players and teams that can innovate.
I don't blame the teams for not being innovative or choosing to be conservative. If I were in their situation, I would do the same. Unless I were a strong team or a team that is significantly ahead. After examining these issues, we naturally come to this conclusion: we cannot change the players, we need to rethink our balance philosophy and our ban-pick strategies. The framework of the entire industry does not naturally support this kind of innovation, and we cannot ask players to take the risk of losing their jobs to improve our viewing experience. If I were in their position, I wouldn’t do it either."
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