塞克斯顿:自认联盟前十控卫 绝不退缩_nba直播在线观看
09-01 10:28
Utah Jazz guard Sexton recently appeared on the podcast "Come And Talk 2 Me" and was asked about his ranking among point guards in the NBA. When asked if he believed he was a top five point guard in the league, Sexton responded, "I think I can be, but I won't outright say that I am. I think it's about opportunity, and my opportunity is coming soon. When it arrives, I will make the most of it."
The host then asked Sexton if he considered himself a top ten point guard in the league, to which he replied, "Of course, I would put myself in that category. I'm not afraid to compete against anyone and I won't back down from anyone. I have a different level of responsibility on my shoulders and I work harder than most. When I step on the court, it's a battle between me and my opponents."
Last season, Sexton played 78 games for the Jazz, averaging 18.7 points, 2.6 rebounds, and 4.9 assists per game.
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