08-25 14:23
What a remarkable encounter for "Brother Hesheng" today! He shared a photo on social media showing himself with Rongcheng player Wei Shihao while climbing Mount Emei. Brother Hesheng wrote in the caption, "Hey folks, look who I ran into! Descending from Leidongping, I came across someone calling out 'Brother Hesheng.' I looked up and it was Wei Shihao. I asked him and found out that he had hiked from Baoguo Temple at 7am all the way up to Leidongping, and he was even planning to walk up to the Golden Summit. The amazing thing is, he was wearing the national team's jersey!"
Despite not being selected for the latest national team squad, Wei Shihao has not given up on his own aspirations. The national team coach, Ivan, stated that Wei Shihao was not included due to his suspension and form, but he has a good chance of being called up for the October matches. Wei Shihao's dedication and discipline are well-known, and this encounter with Brother Hesheng further exemplifies his strong work ethic.
It's moments like these that remind us of the resilience and determination of athletes like Wei Shihao. Even in the face of setbacks, he continues to push forward and strive for excellence. We can only imagine the heights he will reach when given the opportunity to represent the national team once again.
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