07-20 10:35
As the NYBO Youth Basketball Open National Finals kicked off in Xiamen, a series of unfortunate incidents have occurred in just a few days. These incidents include parents fighting each other and coaches throwing balls at young players on the court.
Today, a netizen shared some "non-basketball actions" that happened during a U9 (under 9 years old) game. The netizen's caption read: "NYBO fighting incident! When my friends and I witnessed a U9 player from 'Basketball United' verbally abusing, throwing punches, kicking, and tackling opponents, we couldn't take it anymore! Should we endure punches and kicks while playing basketball? No, we will fight back! We will protect our teammates! #RestoreBasketballGamesToPurity"
贝弗利表示没有哪个球队愿意帮助湖人 其他球队只需用一轮选秀权的球员 湖人却要价两轮选秀权
2025-01-03 08:20:03
2025-01-03 00:23:23
新疆官方宣布俱乐部对赵睿进行教育批评 坦然接受联赛处罚
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特雷杨称掘金打法难以防守 其战术已助力夺冠
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卢谈16年总决赛只在胜利后观看录像 否则詹姆斯会不满
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雷迪克强调耐心的重要性 给里夫斯的建议
2025-01-02 00:19:11